Like other programming languages, AWK also provides a large set of operators. This chapter explains AWK operators with suitable examples.
S.No. | Operators & Description |
1 | Arithmetic Operators
AWK supports the following arithmetic operators.
2 | Increment and Decrement Operators
AWK supports the following increment and decrement operators.
3 | Assignment Operators
AWK supports the following assignment operators.
4 | Relational Operators
AWK supports the following relational operators.
5 | Logical Operators
AWK supports the following logical operators.
6 | Ternary Operator
We can easily implement a condition expression using ternary operator.
7 | Unary Operators
AWK supports the following unary operators.
8 | Exponential Operators
There are two formats of exponential operators.
9 | String Concatenation Operator
Space is a string concatenation operator that merges two strings.
10 | Array Membership Operator
It is represented by in. It is used while accessing array elements.
11 | Regular Expression Operators
This example explains the two forms of regular expressions operators.