Summarizing- এ লিখবো মোট পাঁচটি Sentence.
প্র্রথম Sentence লেখার নিয়ম নিম্নরুপ :
This passage is mainly written about the (importance / function / effect / curse / characteristic/ features)+of +মুল word.
৫ম Sentence লেখার নিয়ম দুটিঃ
1. Negative passage হলে Negative comments.
2. Positive passage হলে Positive comments.
Negative comments:
We should be awared about it and should take necessary steps to (stop / control / cheek) it.
Positive comments:
We hare learned a lat of things by reading this passage and should try to apply it in our practical life.
Note: (2),(3),(4), Sentence গুলি নিজে লিখতে হবে ।